• NURSE: $ 150 mexican pesos. (It can variate depending on the treatment).
  • CAREGIVER: $ 130 mexican prices.
  • A fee for transportation might be included depending on the area and the distance.
  • We accept payments by mexican bank checks, credit or debit card, wire transfer and cash.
  • Most of our staff speaks and comprehends english.
  • There is a minimum of hours required by day (5).
  • Our shifts for 24 hrs. care could be divided in 12 hrs, 6 hrs and 8 hrs.
  • The minimum people to cover 24 hrs care are 2.
  • If you have insurance, we can provide the paperwork that's needed for you to get reimbursed.
  • If you need a factura we can also provide it.

We offer elderly care with dedication, cleanliness and honesty. Affordable services and in English for your convenience.